drawing pine trees on the xompiter

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Pine trees don't just survive in extreme conditions and environments — they thrive. After all, pine trees grow in high altitudes, in freezing climates and arid locations, and even in areas prone to wildfires. Needless to say, there's a lot of versatility among these trees.

In fact, that versatility is emblematic of pine tree evolution. That is, pine trees' ability to adapt in flourish in a variety of environmental conditions shows just how versatile these trees are, especially compared to other species. So, what adaptations do pine trees have — and why? We're exploring all of this and more.

What Adaptations Do Pine Trees Have?

The adaptations of pine trees play a huge role in their ability to grow in so many environments. Unlike many trees that shed their leaves annually, pine trees retain their needles for up to three or four years. This lengthens their photosynthesis period to make their needles more durable. An extended photosynthesis period also increases both its water demand and water loss. To deal with this, pine tree needles have adapted to protect their vascular tissue through a tightly wound interior structure. This helps them retain water.

The exterior structure of the pine tree also helps with water retention, another pine adaptation. The needles are densely packed together, which slows evaporation. Furthermore, the needles have a waxy coat called a cuticle on the outside that helps to both slow down expiration and prevents the accumulation of snow.

 Photo Courtesy: Cavan Images/Getty Images

Another adaptive feature of pine trees is their resistance to ground fires. The tops of pine trees generally get a lot of sun, which is good for the higher layers of needles. Lower to the ground where a pine tree's branches and needles are shaded, the lower branches begin to droop as the tree matures. Fires end up burning all that underbrush, with the end result being that those lower levels don't outcompete the newer growth at the top. This process helps keep pine trees dominant.

Pines carry seeds within their cones. In some pine species, the cones open to spread seeds only when there is intense heat like that of a forest fire. The ash from the burnt underbrush then provides valuable nutrients to the soil, allowing the seeds a better chance to grow.

Pine trees are native to both Europe and North America. Among the smallest pines is the mugo pino from the Alps across Europe. They do not grow very tall and end up looking like a bush rather than a tree. Other types of pines, many of which are native to North America, can grow to over 250 feet tall.

Pines are woody plants, meaning it produces woods as its structural material. Its "leaves" are its needles which grow in bundles known as fascicles. Most fascicles contain between two and five needles. However, this can vary between species of pine. Some species only have one needle per fascicle, while others have up to eight. All the needles in a fascicle arrange themselves into a spiral around the stem.

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Pine needles usually last between two and three years before falling to the ground. Because pine trees produce new fascicles all the time, they always have needles. Thus, they are forever green, or popularly known as evergreen trees. Their needles can photosynthesize at any time of year, provided they have the right conditions.

Because of their ability to hold water, pine needles are well-suited for dry climates. This is largely thanks to their waxy cuticle. They also have tiny pores on the surface, which allow for the seamless exchange of water vapor, oxygen, and carbon dioxide necessary for their survival. Thanks to the adaption of these pores over time, they don't let as much water escape through evaporation.

Vascular plants like pine trees also have tissues, called phloem and xylem, that allow for the internal transport of water and nutrients. Tall trees could not survive without these mechanisms, as otherwise the water and nutrients couldn't get from the roots all the way to the leaves at the top of the tree.

What Is a Coniferous Tree?

Pine trees belong to a category of cone-bearing seed plants called conifers. In other words, they are plants that have cones. Many coniferous trees have cones that look similar to pine cones. Others have a softer cone that looks more like fruit. Cypress and junipers are other kinds of conifers whose cones are covered in scales. This makes them appear more like berries than traditional cones. All the cones of coniferous trees are similar in that their seeds are not enclosed inside of the plant's fruit. Instead, they are "naked."

 Photo Courtesy: Cavan Images/Getty Images

Pines are only one type of conifer. Examples of other popular conifers are fir, redwoods, and spruce trees. They all maintain their needles year-round, which is why they are often called evergreens. That being said, not all coniferous trees are green. For example, the Colorado blue spruce is bright blue. Others are silver, yellow, gold, purple, brown, or white. Depending on the time of year, some even appear to have a red tint.

Different Types of Pine Trees

Pine trees belong to the family Pinaceae and the genus Pinus. Across the globe, there are about 115 pine species. Most of them come from the Northern Hemisphere. North America is home to 49 of them. They grow everywhere from the far northern reaches of the globe all the way down to the equator.

 Photo Courtesy: SA 2.5/Wikimedia Commons

Some of the most common types of pine include mugo, Scotch, white, sugar, and Ponderosa pines. Mugo pines are popular because of how small they are. They are easy for people to maintain in their backyards. White and Scotch pines make great Christmas trees. White pines are lighter in color, though their branches aren't quite as strong as Scotch pines.

The tallest and all-around largest pine is the sugar pine, which has the largest cones of any pine species as well. They are native to the Pacific coast of North America, stretching north to Oregon and south to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. Another popular pine is the Ponderosa. They are tall and broad, with especially thick bark that is resistant to wildfires.

Pine Tree Habitat and Biome

What biome has coniferous trees like pines? There are several. Pine trees grow well in both very cold and very warm climates, depending on the species. However, they cannot grow in the extreme desert or wetland biomes. In all other terrestrial biomes, including in semi-desert areas such as in California, pines can thrive, so long as the soil is not heavy clay or similarly compact. They prefer sand and sandy loam soils.

 Photo Courtesy: Buena Vista Images/Getty Images

They can also thrive in tropical habitats, so long as the land is not swampy. In fact, many species of pine flourish in the wet, southeastern United States. What's more, when there are pines present, wildlife can also survive, as they provide a lot of food for birds and small mammals in their pine cones and seeds.

Why Do Pine Trees Shed Needles?

Pine trees shed some of their needles every single year, though they don't do it based on the season like many other trees. Instead, they shed the needles at the bottom and interior of the tree near the base of the branches whenever they turn brown.

 Photo Courtesy: VerĂ³nica Alvarez-EyeEm/Getty Images

Of course, this is so that the new needles will have enough nutrients to survive while growing. If a pine tree is losing its young needles near the tips of the branches, it is likely due to a disease or insect. This could be cause for concern in terms of the tree's survival.


Source: https://www.reference.com/science/adaptations-pine-tree-437481dbb483346d?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740005%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex&ueid=3fd3caf1-e0b4-4118-857d-1f4ddf0b5b46

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